Online Application Part One

Demographic Info

Citizenship Questions

Academic Background: Undergraduate and Beyond

Clinical Experience

Private Practice Experience

Personal Therapy Treatment


Please list two individuals who are in a position to evaluate your professional work

- Please have each one email a letter to the Admissions Chairperson at


Supporting Documents


Please upload a copy of your CV in .pdf format


Please mail you official Transcript to:
1651 3rd Ave, Suite 205
New York, NY 10128
or email at

Essay Questions

Write any remarks or therapy experiences you wish to share below

1. Adult Program

a. Personal Statement. Discuss the development of your interest in psychoanalysis. Include a discussion of your clinical experience, as well as anything else you would like to tell us, drawing from personal as well as professional experience.

2. Respecialization Program

a. Personal Statement: Why you wish to enter the field of psychoanalysis; how you feel the IPTAR training program will meet your professional goals, and anything else you would like to tell us.

3. Child and Adolescent Training Program (CAP Program)

a. Personal Statement: Please submit a personal statement which describes your interest in the child and adolescent training program and any other relevant information that you deem pertinent.

4. Integrated Track in Adult and Child/Adolescent Program

a. Personal Statement: Why you wish to enter the field of psychoanalysis; how you feel the IPTAR training program will meet your professional goals, and anything else you would like to tell us.

b. Please write a separate essay describing your interest in becoming a child psychoanalyst. If you have not listed your clinical experience with children and adolescents, and your supervision of that work on your application, please include that list with your essay.

Professional Malpractice Questionnaire